01 marzo, 2020


MADONNA ON INSTAGRAM - “Here I Am——Flesh and Blood 🩸 If only knees didn’t twist and cartilage didn’t tear and nothing hurt and tears never fell out of our eyes.........But alas they do and Thank God for this important reminder that we are human. I Fell 2 nights ago on stage when a chair was literally pulled out from underneath me by mistake and I landed on the floor on my tail bone. I made it thru the show last night but just barely because I hate disappointing. However today even I can see that this broken doll held together with tape and glue, needs to stay in bed and rest for a few days so she can finish the tour with a smile on her face and in one piece. ❌ Thank You for your understanding Paris! 🇫🇷 🙏🏼 #madamextheatre”. (MARCH 1st)


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